At this point, you will find useful general information about the public transport in Potsdam.
Getting to Potsdam
Potsdam is easy to reach from all directions by public transport. For trains, make Railways and buses. From Berlin, S7 and S1, as well as several regional trains. The buses of the Havelbus transport company, especially the surrounding area with Potsdam. In the city centre-buses and trams of the transport operation, Potsdam travel.
With the railway
Potsdam is not directly connected to the Intercity. The long-distance trains starts in Berlin (Central station), from where you can reach the S-Bahn (S 7) in 45 minutes to the Potsdam. Much faster it goes with the regional Express trains in the direction of Magdeburg or in the direction of Brandenburg/Havel. The RE 1 runs every 30 minutes from various Berlin railway stations.
With the plane
There are two airports in Berlin, from Potsdam main station starts regional train to Schönefeld. According to Tegel, it’s not direct, you need more time to change trains and with luggage not so good. I always go with the S7 to Westkreuz and get in the Ring to Beusselstraße. From there, you can take the TXL-Bus. All in all, you should plan some time, timetables are a matter of luck.
With the Taxi
The routes to Berlin are too long for me and too expensive. If you arrive in the evening at the Potsdam railway station and the taxi in the city centre would cost 10 Euro. Acceptable, especially late in the evening.
The App
Of course there is an app for your help.